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Stuck on 3082

Gruncher Posts: 53

Level 3

I can't seem to figure out a way to get past level 3082. I hate how the bombs are timed to only 5 moves, and the fact it's labeled as a normal level and not a super hard or nightmarishly hard level baffles me.


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,110

    Hi and welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for the feedback , Yes, You are correct level 3082 is hard level need a lucky board to completed this level.

    all you need is 2 colourbombs and use them on either blue or green. Use them both on the same colour and you will be able to clear the bombs along the bottom.

    The booster free method is a bit harder. You will still need colourbombs as the bombs will count down before you can get to them if you try to clear them with normal combos, but you will have to make them yourself in the first 6 moves to get the bombs. I used a colourbomb/stripe combo to clear the first lot of bombs, then collected the rest from the dispensers in the original video. The new video was quite a lucky game as I got the first two colourbombs straight away.

    Once you have cleared the first lot of bombs you need to get more dropping from the dispensers. It is fairly easy to make colourbombs and other special candies so concentrate on doing that to clear the bombs.

    Video below

  • Gruncher
    Gruncher Posts: 53

    Level 3

    The problem with that is two-fold:

    1. I haven't gotten that layout, and I've been stuck using no boosters because I'm too broke to be buying them (seriously, why can't we just send boosters to each other? Is King afraid to make quality of life changes for its players to make it easier to get to the more recent levels?)
    2. The board doesn't label it as a hard level, but a normal difficulty. I don't know why they changed that, or if it's just a glitch on my end and it's supposed to be listed as a hard level.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?