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🎙We want your feedback on the levels 13 701 - 13 745



  • LoveDachs
    LoveDachs Posts: 28,156


    Thank you so much. 🤗 Yeah I believe it when you say nobody wants to join in anymore but with new members joining everyday hopefully that'll change. That said though I don't think we will ever see it as it once was, sad so many good people are gone for one reason or another. A lot of changes around here besides games being discontinued.. IYKWIM.

    Take care and happy crushing.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    Woah! Do I need a time out or what? Level 13707!!!

    Passed it on 2nd try, thought I had checked the Lucky Candy on my 1st go at it, quite obviously I had not! Now on Level 13710 but need to put down the game... for a break...

  • JJ09012011
    JJ09012011 Posts: 170

    @Scooterpie 13719 and 13720 are pretty hard too. I had to use all three starting boosters on them.

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,228
    edited March 2023

    Finished the second episode. More poorly designed rubbish.

    @Novapichu I hope, unlike those before you, that you will take notice of the comments posted here.

    Level 13726 is pathetically designed and is impossible to beat without the use of multiple UFOs and at least 1 Party Popper. 13727, 28 & 30 are not much better.

    Also, what an absolute joke that King has the audacity to wheel out "Top Climber" as the weekly side game again !!!

    No doubt the game will disappear either in the next few hours or when you go to collect your prize !!!!!!

    The Design Studio is now just a farce and needs a complete overhaul.

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,228

    Last Episode done and dusted. Usual 15 levels of blockers, jelly jars, etc. 13736 is another poorly designed level. In fact it is best described as stupid.

    And I am so excited with Tiffi's Quest and the chance to win a bag full of boosters !! Problem is @Novapichu how do I get another 7 Golden Crowns in 2 days, when I only have 1 level left to play ??

    Another brilliant example of the foresight shown by the Design Studio !!

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    Just finished my new levels. I had saved the last two for today. Was a little disappointed as when I went to play my win streak/candy necklace had gone back to zero for no apparent reason?

    Anyway the levels this week were rather like pretty hard. I found the last Level 13745 interesting.

    p.s. Some levels were I got lucky boards those were better. But of course!

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,079

    Now we're here for Mobile they have changed everything, of course! Level 13717 is a joke. Have a laugh at this:

    Two weeks ago it looked like this:

    now this is what I get:

    On the plus side they offer us 65 extra moves for gold after trying it a few times. Even after paying for those I had to use a few lollipop hammers and paint brushes to get there. What a laugh! Some of the levels in between the impossible ones have been made quite easy, some you can even pass without boosters!. So I've managed to get through the first two episodes now. Need a break now.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,079

    Have finished my three episodes now and ready to start collecting boosters for next week's mobile releases. I won't spend any more money on this game now because I am really angry about the way they have put streak blocking levels in this week. These are so blocked up now (lots more layers of blockers compared to a week or two ago for Android players) that you cannot even get them first time using starting boosters, UFOs or, dare I say, even a single party booster. You are now forced to wait until you have played these levels so many times you get 65 extra moves. Shocking. On the plus side I managed to win the three episode races, so I ended up with as many gold bars are I had at the start. Level 13726 is pretty bad too, but if you use a lucky candy booster you can do it without having to break the icing around the liquorice. Otherwise no chance. Here is my selection of this week's impossible levels, all down to just 20 moves:

  • Misserfolg59
    Misserfolg59 Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Die neuen Levels sind fast alle viel zu schwierig. Leider macht Spiel keinen Spaß mehr, weil alles guten Events gehandelt wurden .

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