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BettinaRick Posts: 262 Pro Player 👑

I guess that I'm not the only one, having this issue but really ? King should really remove the restrictions on lives received, making the level a bit easier, instead of making them harder to beat and then make customers happy.

But instead they chose to make it all harder, delete the Royalty Program for all users to at least get some rare boosters for playing and now you can only BUY some of them with real money and hope to get on further.

I'm really getting tired of this game and prefer to play CCFS and my installed games - this one is so boring now and without gold and boosters in stuck you'll fail again and again and keep getting stuck for weeks if not more than a month.

No fun or stress released at all... even players in our group are complaining. So what are King going to do about it when times are hard for all - even for you ?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?