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Charged for purchase but game crashes

silent_kaos Posts: 2

Level 1

On 3 or more occasions recently I've been in Candy Royals and got to a point in a level where I've needed to make an in game purchase to continue my climb in said Royal... in in the process of confirming purchase, game crashes but I get charged for the purchase. So not only do I get kicked out of the Candy Royal but o also fail the level which was the only reason I made the purchase in the first place. Not fair. Being that I've spent way more money on this game than I'd ever care to admit, I'm questioning whether or not I'll ever spend another dime considering the majority of the money spent has always been to win gold in the royals or get past frustrating levels that otherwise seem to take weeks to get past without spending money. Not griping about having to spend money...its clearly my choice to do so. But if you're going to take my money and not have a fail safe way of booting me from the progress of that level... than I'll probably find other less annoying ways to spend my money 🤷‍♂️

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