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🌏 Mr. Yeti's bouquet-building quest honors AAPI Heritage Month this May!

During the Spring Season this year, we got a mini-event where we clear levels to help Mr. Yeti find flowers to build his bouquet. When he asked Misty for a good source of flowers, she replied that Denize would know better about water lillies. So he goes off finding her.

And there she is!

Mr. Yeti then asks her about where the water lilies would be. She agrees to swim along a lemonade river (it appears that they are there to let Izzy swim through the Candy Kingdom since this dragon has a knack for keeping her feet wet) to lead him to find them.

Together, these two friendly monsters find their quarry at a lemonade pond. Izzy then calmly hands some water (or lemonade) lilies over to Mr. Yeti to build his bouquet. This moment feels pretty Asian in a month like this!

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