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Gold coins

cat413red Posts: 3 Newbie

Help cannot use gold coins seems locked. Help


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 154,889 Diamond Diaries Moderator

    How about you tried following "Force Stop" of the game from Settings first then you switch on the stable internet connection and reopen playing this game. So I hope you can use gold bars to get extra moves / boosters on the game possible soon! 😉

    If it's still not worked, you can try these steps here 👇😊

    1. Open this game

    2. Select Profile

    3. Select Log Out your Facebook/Kingdom Account then Close this game app

    4. Reopen this game then Log back in to your profile (don't play first) and finally Open the game (can play now).

    I hope you can use gold bars to get extra moves / boosters on the game possible soon too! 😉

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