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Why can’t I play Candy Cup?

yorkielvr3 Posts: 15 Level 2

I am trying to find out if anyone else is unable to play in the candy cup? I have the event graphics on my welcome screen and the green cup candies in game but I was never put in a group to play. I have updated the game and tried emailing support to find out why, with no reply. The only reason I can think of is maybe because I was one of the winners of 30 party boosters in the winter candy cup. My mom plays and is in the candy cup currently and I used her account to read the official rules and nowhere in the rules was anything about past wins disqualifying you. I am extremely frustrated as no one will answer my emails so this is a last resort. I am almost to level 14,000 and have been playing 10+ years and the events are one of my favorite parts, not being able to play as one of the most loyal players is extremely upsetting.


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?