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Difficulty mis-match between iOS app and Facebook

selianth Posts: 9

Level 2

Why is there often a big discrepancy between the difficulty rating of levels between the iOS app and the Facebook version of the game? For example, on my current episode:

Level 13822: Hard in app, Normal on FB

Level 13825: Normal in app, Super Hard on FB

Level 13827: Nightmarish in app, Super Hard on FB

Level 13828: Normal in app, Super Hard on FB

Level 13831: Super Hard in app, Nightmarish on FB

Levels 13832-13833: Super Hard in app, Normal on FB

Level 13834: Normal in app, Super Hard on FB

Level 13835: Super Hard in app, Hard on FB

That's 9 out of 15 levels in one episode that have a different difficulty rating. I know they often adjust/shift levels after the initial release, but my app is fully updated so I don't understand why this happens. Are some levels genuinely easier on one platform or the other?


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,020

    This is strange, but it's typical King. I never play on Facebook, but I have in the past seen different levels on my iphone from my iPad, on the same login. This was a long time ago though and I have not seen this recently. However I have noted recently that levels were changed from an easier to a harder version while I was playing the game, while I was logged in, when I started playing in the Candy Cup. When I stopped playing in the Candy Cup the versions changed back to the easier ones. Could it be related to the Candy Cup in your case as well?

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