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Sending Lives!!!

Jena28 Posts: 45

Level 3

Hello All,

Can any of you kind people advise me on how to send Lives to other players please?? I have such awesome players (some Ive Invited as friends, some who just send me lives without me even asking). I want to show my appreciation & kindness to them, however I don't know how to send Lives, so if anyone out there can help, let me know. Side note: I already know how to do it from my inbox when they actually ask me, it's doing it WITHOUT being asked, that's what I'm having issues figuring out :-) thanks everyone.


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    To send lives without being asked @Jena28 click on your in-game avatar as if you were checking your booster inventory.

    On the pop-up that appears click on the Friends tab and then just click on a friend's name.

    You can then send or request a life in the pop-up that appears

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