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Level 7656 Glitching

hothgirl Posts: 1

Level 1

My level just keeps running, the candy doesn't stop. I am on the last level for a big jackpot - 167 coins, and I have used a lot of my coins to stay in the race. Now I will have used a ton of coins to get this jackpot and it's all gone. I am afraid if I pause the app it will register as level failed.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,153

    Hello @hothgirl 🤗 Hearty Welcome to our lovely King Community!

    I am sorry to know that you were having glitch with the cascades in your level!! And sorry that we did not see your post till now😔

    Unfortunately, when we have encountered this glitch, all we can do is exit the level and replay it again!! I know that we will lose the win-streak, as well as the reward in Candy Royale event!! But, there is no other way!!

    Sometimes, this glitch will be fixed when we exit out of the level and restart it; But, sometimes, the glitch won't be fixed unless the Candy studio team look into it.

    If possible, please post back and let me know whether your level worked fine when you replayed or still had the glitch!! To reply back, simply type in the blank box given below to my comment.

    Thank you for reporting about the level. Have a great rest of the day🍫

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