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🎙We want your feedback on the levels 14 691 - 14 735



  • matarilerileron
    matarilerileron Posts: 26

    Level 3

    14695 ¿Alguien puede revisar el nivel 14695 por favor? Me es imposible pasar ese nivel. Estoy pensando dejar de jugar a Candy porque es frustrante. Me canso de intentarlo

  • A lot of players have given up at this stage. If you have no gold left then I think it's not possible to enjoy the game in these levels. If you don't enjoy the game, then it's time to quit. I made it to level 15,000 before deciding to quit, but I did not enjoy playing any of the game past 14,000 and maybe should have stopped earlier.

  • BID77
    BID77 Posts: 22

    Level 3

    Level after level are impossible. Absolute joke. The game has completely lost the fun it once had, greed, greed and more greed I refuse to spend a single penny on a game that makes it impossible to pass level after level. Stuck on the latest impossible level 14719 but after 100s of tried I give up, its impossible. Way to go you fcukin bunch of tools

  • DeanieDoo
    DeanieDoo Posts: 20

    Level 3

    This is my FIFTH day on level 14605. I simply cannot get past it. It's completely ridiculous. I didn't reach this level without knowing how to play the game either.

  • Tipi73
    Tipi73 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Total waste of time, getting 1 level done in 3 weeks if super lucky .

  • Tipi73
    Tipi73 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Level 14725 is impossible, getting the last key when there is only 5 moves left to make, ridiculous.

  • ravina
    ravina Posts: 34

    Level 3

    I totally agree, it’s now getting to the point where it’s stupidly ridiculous and the enjoyment has gone out of the game. Me I am installing it, they keep giving free lives and extra boosters, but last week I complained and they said it’s a a challenge. I love a challenge but this is now taking the mick!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?