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The Dilemma of Candy Crush


Isn't it funny how we all love and hate this game at the same time? I mean we get mad when we're stuck at a level and had to keep maxing out gold bars and sometimes cash to pass them and yet we don't give up cause it literally feels like giving up is not an option. The joy of winning a race, an episode and some other tasks is incomparable. I probably would have deleted the game long time ago if I didn't find it entertaining and challenging. For someone like me, whose highly competitive, these tasks thrills me and no matter how much I cuss at the developers for keeping me stuck at a level for so long, I just can't stop playing the game. If this isn't addiction, I've no idea what it is. My dilemma of loving and hating Candy Crush simultaneously is yet to be resolved.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?