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Episode Race

Rhonda_L Posts: 583
edited August 2023 in Discussions

I don't know where to put this!

I apologize. For what, you may ask? I was very skeptical about your theory about the episode race. I'm no longer a disbeliever.

I was on Episode 14421-14435. OMG!!! I was ahead. Mind you, I got to a Legendary, with another yet to come. These 4 people passed me with no problem. Not upset about that, but had they had these stupid Legendary Levels, it wouldn't have happened.

Therefore, I apologize. You're right. The people I'm up against are people that played long ago.

I don't take notes, thank you to you and @MonicaYellow for doing so! I appreciate it.



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,045

    You're welcome....

    . It's a bit creepy seeing my name as a "topic".... But that's fine, I'm sure it will disappear from the front page soon. The episode race, I noticed that because I played the first 200 levels so often and it just seemed so strange that no matter how long I took on the first two or three episode races, I always won. So it was quite obvious to me at that point that these can't be real people playing in real time. Also if I took a break and found myself up against someone way ahead and almost at the end, they never, ever, got there before me. They seemed to always stay stuck there at the last level making it easy for me to overtake. Clearly King wanted me to win the first few episode races because they thought I was new to the game. So they picked someone who had given up playing before the episode finished!

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,045

    So to add to that, in those high levels of course they pick players hard to beat, probably some that had more moves and easier boards.... I am sorry you got overtaken like that. It must be so frustrating as it's about the only way to earn free gold. I am trying to work out how to beat an episode race, but at the moment I only know that playing in one session will definitely win it.

  • So thank you King for sparing me with frustration for not giving me Episode Race for almost 2 years, since I would not have made it to the top anyway.

    I'm enjoying it now though in Cheryl's account, now just crossed level 7000, winning every time (cuurent win streak at 447), and collecting gold bars for her.

  • Wow…I was under the impression that everyone would get the episode race…no matter what level a player is on.

  • Since the episode race is not played in real time and is recordings of players who have previously played that the level. So for those who play the levels on the windows app as soon as they are released they won't get the episode race or candy royale until the games algorithm recognises that enough players have passed the new levels to match you with enough players to begin those events.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,045

    Yes, I've been wondering if it applies to them. I wonder if anyone in the first group gets the episode race. Maybe if they do they really do race against each other.

    (I'm glad the spooky header for this thread has been changed from my name to "episode race", thanks to whoever did that.)

  • I know that Monica posted that she hasn't had the episode race for 2 years, but then I'm sure that she's one of the first to complete the new episodes, going by what's posted in the feedback thread for those new levels. Since the episode race has to always be at least one completed episode in front of where ever a player is in the game, maybe if someone waited a week or two for the game to be updated before playing the new levels that player would most likely get the episode race and candy royale just like those players 2 weeks behind who play through Facebook and mobile still get the episode race every week.

  • MonicaYellow
    MonicaYellow Posts: 693
    edited August 2023

    OK, I'll on this new experiment.

    I used to complete all new episodes on the day of release.

  • Update

    Thanks to @Arrowflinger , the Champion Race returned while I was playing the last episode of last week's release.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,045

    Wow, that is amazing @MonicaYellow . It really worked! It also still remembers your impressive win streak. Time to stock up your gold supplies then!

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