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Do you believe in lucky boards or is it a game of skill?

Hi there. I have finally come across a level that just proves my point that not every player gets the same board, even though it may look the same. Check out level 854. It only has 11 moves. Ridiculous, right?

How can anyone possibly pass this in 11 moves? Of course, only if you can get one of the UFOs with your first few moves. But can you? Can a skilled player do this? I dare say no: You just need to wait for the game to let you pass. You need to spot a lucky board and then take advantage of it. How long it takes for one to come up, now that is up to King and they change this every week. This week it took me so long, I was offered a whopping 100 extra moves for 10gold! Other weeks, it'll be on your second try I reckon.

This is how I got there, with my lucky board:

That was my starting board, looks good. Could this be THE ONE?

A few more moves and I've freed the UFO. And whoosh.....

One turn later and I know this really IS the ONE.

So I rest my case: You will pass when the game lets you pass. Nothing to do with skill. Nor with luck. It's all predetermined by whatever algorithm you are assigned to.



  • cookiemae
    cookiemae Posts: 1,252
    edited August 2023

    You might be right. May I asked how long you waited for the lucky board? I assume now from looking at this post that out of the millions that play there are different algorithms for different groups of players. You really wouldn't know if you are one of those people because who in real life compare boards. Personally I never thought about it because I have never had a real issue playing a level and have always been at the top of the board on windows. This was a interesting test.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,059

    Hi @cookiemae It took me until they offered me 100 moves, so I guess that would have been about 25 tries. This was in a game where this level featured as a new level. I also scrolled back to it on my other device where I am at the top of the game and had run out of levels. Surprisingly here level 854 was just as hard! I had to use up all 20 of my lives from friends, so here too it took me about 25 lives. I think maybe everyone is getting the same, but you are right, there is no way of knowing. I have noted before that when there is a competition going on they tend to make levels harder to pass. It would be interesting to see how this level plays for you, but I know you are busy playing the summer cup competition, so that's more important. Good luck with the competition!

  • Testing

    At my 1st try re-playing this level, without my usual bundle of starting boosters, my starting board was a lucky one, looks like mirror image of yours.

    After 1st move

    With 8 moves left, freeing one UFO, it in turned blasted off the other UFO

    And I completed the level with 1 move left.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,059

    Wow, now that does surprise me. So we are NOT all equal at any one given time. Thanks very much for posting that! And good luck to you as well with the soccer ball competition. I'm out of that one, haven't got the time for it anyway.

  • coachmay
    coachmay Posts: 33

    Level 3

    If there is a spectrum where skill sits on one extreme and luck sits at the opposite end, the game is definitely skewed towards luck as opposed to skill. Now, that being said, can you manipulate your moves to set up something to help you win, which takes some skill (more mental cognition), absolutely, BUT, there is no telling what will drop into the board once candies are cleared. Unlike, Tetris where you could at least set up your moves one move in advance, the player is more reliant upon the original board setup, plus whatever drops once candies are cleared. There is no skill in that 🀠

  • coachmay
    coachmay Posts: 33

    Level 3

    Oh, and fun fact, in case some of you have not got to this point, the game will offer you a total of 120 extra moves for the price of 10 gold bars…need one obstacle to clear? No problem, here is 120 extra moves to do that πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • The fun is more than double, the game offers a maximum of 255 extra moves for 10 gold bars. I did my experiment, and the offer was real.

    What a deal ???

  • coachmay
    coachmay Posts: 33

    Level 3


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,059

    Just trying to kick the other post off the front page..... I do hope it works as it's Sunday.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,059

    And again....

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