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Gold Bars



  • Victor_10
    Victor_10 Posts: 35

    Level 3

    I'm waiting Candy Crush. I need help and you keep ignoring me. You want players like me to suffer cause it makes you people happy, well guess what I'm not here for you entertainment. I'm here cause I'm asking for help and you folks keep looking the other way. I will continue coming here and asking for help until you get off your butts and actually help me.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,059
    edited September 2023

    Why are you threatening King that you might uninstall their game? Do you really think they would care if you uninstall the game? Why would they? They don't care if any of us leave so long as enough other players hang around and pay to play. There is nothing to fix either. It's all running just as King want it to run. They want your gold reserves to run out, that is why they stopped your Sweet Cinema. You won't get anywhere with your anger. Don't let King's dirty tricks get to you like this. You are still in control: Delete the game.

  • Victor_10
    Victor_10 Posts: 35

    Level 3

    No deleting the game would be what they want. Look it's not a threat, I meant what I said. It has been this way ever since my win streak hit 33. they are intentionally making the game harder just so that I will give in and give them money for booster and gold bars, well guess what that ain't happening. Those that work at Candy Crush secretly help certain players pass levels, how else do you explain 1-2 players passing 150-200 levels in 5-6 days?

  • Yes of course, it is absolutely true what you are writing. The game is definitely rigged. Some players do get easier games than others. In fact I myself happen to have such a game. It does not even have any legendary levels in it at all and I can easily pass 200 levels in a week on that one. But I have two games, and the other one I play is really difficult and never gives me a lucky board. It isn't personal though, it's just the luck of the draw what test group you are part of and which algorithm you are allocated to. Just go with it, that is all you can do. If you don't enjoy the game it's time to quit. Just don't get too stressed about it.

  • cookiemae
    cookiemae Posts: 1,252

    Victor_10 I suggest you stop playing the game for a while. It's a game if it's frustrating to you just stop. king is going to do what and how they want no matter what you say. Just take a break maybe when you come back. The sweet cinema will have returned.

  • Since I restarted the game from the beginning a few months ago I pass at least that amount of levels every week using nothing more than the win streak i maintain and starting boosters I earn from the chocolate boxes, booster wheel and sweet cinema etc. I've also managed to save nearly all the gold bars I've earned so far for the really difficult levels that start around 13500ish .

  • Victor_10
    Victor_10 Posts: 35

    Level 3

    Thanks a lot Candy Crush. Because of your failures, you cost me my win streak of 53. I hope you folks are happy that you decided to negate sweet cinema and make my time playing the game a GD Nightmare. Your not good people you hate it when players don't give you there money and that is why you help some players cheat the game by passing them without ever playing the level.

  • Victor_10
    Victor_10 Posts: 35

    Level 3

    Level 6497 is to tough to beat. It pisses me off that Candy Crush has to use Candy Cane Barriers, Toffee, Licorice and 3 different colored keys just to annoy the players. Not to mention the lack of moves also is a hinderance. Why doesn't Candy Crush just admit that they help certain players cheat and are happy when other players suffer and are stuck on 1 hard level after another? Go ahead people and tell me I'm wrong for saying that Candy Crush helps certain players cheat but I don't care how good a player is: Nobody passes 150-200 levels in less than 7 days it's not feasible. For someone to actually do it they would have to have no life what so ever and will blindly fork over money to Candy Crush even if that person loses all there money. I'd rather see a episode lock. That means when you finish your episode which is 15 levels, you can't play the next one for 24 hours from the time you finish your current one.

  • cookiemae
    cookiemae Posts: 1,252

    @Victor_10 This game is frustrating you. I suggest you take a break from playing.

  • Rhonda_L
    Rhonda_L Posts: 583

    @Victor_10 as @cookiemae said, you really need to quit this game. I'm frustrated at Level 14838, but I certainly don't rant and rave at King like you're doing. It is what it is. Accept it or quit.

    Happy November, y'all!

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