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Level 4595 freezes

I have won level4595 at least 20 x - the screen freezes and returns to the homepage extremely frustrating- have rebooted my tablet, nothing seems to work


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @tiggybaby🤗 Hearty Welcome to our sweet King Community!

    I am sorry to hear about the issue in your game with level 4595!!

    First of all, I just need to make sure that you are talking about Candy Crush Saga🙂

    ** Can you check your Google Play Store and see if the App has any updates available? If so, please install them;

    ** Can you play an old level and see if that level also freezes?

    ** Check your "Storage" and see how much free space left in the memory.

    Please reply back after following all these steps and get back to us. To reply back, simply type in the blank box given below to my comment.

    In the mean time, my friend and co-Mod @bearwithme and I will check the level and see if the freezing occurs in our game too. If it does, I have to report the level to our Candy Community In-charge.

    Talk to you soon. Have a great rest of the day🍫🍫

  • tiggybaby
    tiggybaby Posts: 3

    Level 1

    It was updated Aug 3 and won’t let me update

    i have used 11.1 of 16 gb on my ipad

    i have tried level 4594 & won & passed on

    i see numerous other ppl have had the same issue of level 4595 freezing

    pls fix

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,936

    Hello @tiggybaby I have replayed the level several times on an iPhone and it has never frozen. I am not sure why you are having trouble.

  • tiggybaby
    tiggybaby Posts: 3

    Level 1

    glad it worked for you- not working for me I have no reason to fabricate this

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