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Level 3184

flic Posts: 3 Newbie
edited September 2023 in Support

Hi it’s impossible to make the level 3184 ! I try since last week. The level like I have it it’s not the same you show in the community center. I didn’t have a frog.… really pretty unbeatable. I asked my wife who’s level 6000 past and she didn’t arrive to resolve it too ! Please could somebody help me ? Thanks a lot


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 40,800 Candy Moderator

    Hello again @flic🙋‍♀️

    I have just responded to your first question you have posted --> HERE <--

    If your wife is at level # 6000, she must have played 3184, a while ago!! Many levels are changed a lot from the time they were initially released!!

    Please not to worry! Once my friend checks and replays the level, if it is still impossible, we will report to our Candy Community In-charge. Then, our In-charge will send the feedback to the game Studio to look into the level.

    They will check the passing rate of the level and do some tweaks when needed! But, please wait till you receive response from my friend.

    If you need to reply back, go to your first question, and simply type in the blank box given at the bottom of the discussion thread.

    Thank you for your patience 🍫🍫

    I will have to close this thread considering it as "Duplicate Thread"!

This discussion has been closed.

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