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Make the next Lunar New Year 2024 an epic tournament of itself!

2024 will be the Year of the Dragon, and that means Izzy in this game!

Here is how I would want this tournament to work: during the Lunar New Year next year, Denize invites all Crushers to take part in a Crush Fu tournament! The tournament is four rounds, like the Candy Cup. In each round, players will be scrambling to earn Dragon Power throughout the levels they crush in three different ways:

  • creating long cascade combos
  • collecting yellow lemon drops
  • rescuing gummi dragons

Beating new levels will award more Dragon Power than replaying previous ones. At the end of each round, the top three players with the most Dragon Power will advance to the next round as worthy Crush Fu contenders! The players who survive all four rounds with the highest Dragon Power will be declared Crush Fu masters and will win a treasure trove of golden bars - a good fortune from the super-long lizard lady herself!

Do you think this is a great idea for a contest for the next Lunar New Year?

5 votes

Active Β· Last Updated


  • This sounds good, only problem is yellow is only achievable on few levels (all the time or limited) or after sugar crush.

    Voted! 😊

  • The rarity of the yellow lemon drop is the reason why I added two other ways to earn Dragon Power in the contest. Achieving big cascade combos is one other way to earn Dragon Power - and that ties into my other suggestion of this game adding a combo counter to let players know when a cascade combo is in progress before they can make their next move and to give them a sense of pride over achieving a big combo in a level.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,716

    It's sound great and sweet idea! I vote your idea! πŸ‘πŸ˜„πŸ‰

  • The reason why I chose lemon drops for this event is that they are associated with Denize herself. She lives at Lemonade Lake, so it makes sense that you'd want to crush lemon drops for her. I have also envisioned that they would be reskinned into her three-toed footprint, shown below:

    I have also thought up of some tweaks to the tournament format. After some careful consideration, I'm revising the round count from 4 to 3, and will confirm that I intended the rounds to be single-elimination, unlike the double-elimination rule in the Candy Cups. Anyone whose Dragon Power comes up short in a round won't get a second chance!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?