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Gold bars not awarded after winning race.

Kelicopter Posts: 1 Newbie

I was in first place and the closest person was 2 levels behind me. I won on my next try and wasn’t awarded the 45 gold bars. It just said win the next race to earn 25. Can you tell me why this would happen? Very disappointed.


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 153,915 Candy Moderator

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for the feedback. This issues has been reported for more info here

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,598 Legend

    Hi there. I am afraid I can't really answer your question but in my experience the episode race always works for me if I am ahead and then play the last level. So I wonder if any of the following has happened:

    Were you connected to the internet at the time of playing your last two levels? Did you have a time gap between playing the second to last level and the last level? It's not a live event and you are pitted against a group of players that played long before you, which are carefully selected by King. I wonder if you took a break before the last level. When you look at the leaderboard before you play the last level or if you are not connected to the internet, the race might not have updated. I think the race only updates after you have played a level.

    The episode race always works for me and my suggestion would be in future to make sure you play in as few sessions as you can and try to play the last two levels in the same session, i.e. don't close the game app at this point. It doesn't even matter if I am behind or ahead in the race, so long as all players are still in the race for the gold, if I then make sure I finish my remaining levels before closing the app I always win.

    I am sorry the game threw you back to 25 gold and you lost your win streak. Hope you'll get back into the Champions Race soon and good luck with your game.

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