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Watch Ad not working

Roxyt80 Posts: 67

Level 3

The watch ad button is not working when it shows up to get more lives. This has been going on for a week. I closed the app and even restarted my phone but no luck.


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,611

    Hello @Roxyt80 I don't know for sure as I don't work for King, but I think you might be about to lose your advert features.

    There have been a lot of complaints this last month about adverts not working or freezing people's games and there have also been lots of complaints from people saying that they have lost their adverts.

    When it comes to advert features there is nothing that can be done by a player to fix them as the issues require a software fix by King.

    My other guess would be that due to the adverts constantly crashing people's games King might have decided to temporarily prevent adverts form working.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?