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Booster issue

sedalaika Posts: 46

Level 3

It's been over 3 months I don't received any treat or booster except daily treat machine and booster wheel, I pre much use about 2000 coin and every single treat I had, there no more treasure hunt or sweet cinema or treat on balloon or extra life end of game.... for over 3 months!!!! I updated, I clean my memory, I upgraded my phone, I restart as much as you think even I buy with real money but they not coming back!!!! It's frustrating!!!

Should I give up?!

Should I wait more?!


  • Hi there @sedalaika . Those are all video ad events, and King DO take those away from players' games as they please and it isn't clear why. Some of us never had any of those events in our games at all ever. The official line by the moderators is always that once you lose those boosters for watching ads features that they "might" return after a while. But they have to say so as there is nothing else they can advise and they do not have any control over this either. The truth is the ad features are unlikely to return and there is nothing you can do to bring them back, certainly not if you spend real money on the game! In fact that has triggered their disappearance for many players.

    It is not an error in your game that you need to wait to get "fixed", it is how King have chosen your game to be now. Maybe they will return, but for now you need to accept your game as it is, we all just have to play the games we are given. If you don't enjoy the game any more like this, then maybe it is time to stop playing.

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