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Not receiving lives? Candy Royale changes?

Kristin_Percell Posts: 4 Newbie

I have sent hundreds lives and requested lives from friends. Why am I not receiving lives back? This doesn't make any sense its as if you don't want me to receive them, before I would receive hundreds of lives in Candy Crush saga and could use as may a day as I wished. Now I may receive a few a day and can only use 20 per day, why?

2nd question

I have sent previous requests to opt outt of Candy Royale, I still do not have that option, why? Also when playing they game it said you only had to pass 9 levels to win, now the rules have changed apparently because once I had to pass over 15 levels before I won? Just yesterday I had passed over 10 levels rhe prize was 112 gold bars but I had to keep winning so I paid for more gold bars to keep playing the Candy Royal prize and somehow I lost on that next level which I can usually win and lost my 112 gold bars? The Candy Royale game is bad. It has no opt out, it is time consuming when you are on the clock for boosters, the rules are changing, not clear and seem to change as your playing the game to whatever it takes to lose. There is not clear instructions for how many levels to you have to pass to win or either its been decided as you play the game but have no idea levels you have to win, why?


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?