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Sending lives

lreeso Posts: 2 Newbie

Can anyone explain why I can’t send lives to a friend. It says their full profile is coming soon. I have no way of sending them lives. Am I missing something? TIA


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 40,800 Candy Moderator

    Hello @lreeso🤗 Hearty Welcome to our sweet King Community!

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to do anything when your friend is appearing with that "Profile coming soon" card!! Since the issue is not on your side but King, there is nothing you can do🙃

    You can only send lives if they send you "request" and ask for lives! If you have a way to contact them, you can let them know and ask them to send you requests!

    By the way, which device are you using? A player recently informed that they see "profile coming soon" message on one of their device. But, other platform is working fine!! Do you have a possibility to check the game on a different device?

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