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4 hours of free time wasted

coreyc Posts: 8

Level 2

Did anyone else have their free time wasted by not clicking accept and it has been accepted automatically?

Came back to the game later and it was mostly gone


  • codonnell1
    codonnell1 Posts: 21

    Level 3

    Who agrees with me on the unfairness of CCS?

    King wants me to spend money on bars and boosters when I know people who get them free because they watch ads. I have been stuck on 11551 for a week. The only way I will win is with extra moves. I need free gold bars not free games.

    How many of you have spent money on this game

    They are getting rich because of the addiction and there is a whole group people who pay nothing for boosters and bars. It makes me mad.

    Stop spending your money and band together to make this fair for everyone

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076
    edited November 2023

    Your post makes me wonder if King are doing this deliberately to make players jealous of another and to seed discord. We should stand united in this community against King's manipulations. All players are being manipulated into spending money, including those who you think get a head start by getting adverts in their games. Ads in the 11,000plus levels will leave you just as stuck on the legendary levels as it will leave those players without them. Let's not think that other players get an easier game. Different maybe, but not easier. I'm not sure these 4 hours free play were a good idea. To many it will just have been 4 hours of frustration.

  • coreyc
    coreyc Posts: 8

    Level 2

    edited November 2023

    My 4 hours was auto accepted so when I came back to the game to accept and play the time it was 75% gone. What a waste

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?