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win streak difference is unfair to players

I only noticed this during the Candy Cup but it may have been going on a lot longer:

My two games, which are roughly in the same range of Candy Crush now, both without adverts, both having spent exactly £2.99 once, are VERY different indeed. The iPad game has the huge advantage of getting a better win streak reward, which really makes all the difference and makes that game more fun and really easy to pass episode after episode with hardly needing to use any boosters.

As visible in the top image, from as early as win streak 2 I get plus 3 moves and two colour bombs . This is so overpowered compared to my poor iPhone game, which only gets one colour bomb even at the top win streak. This does explain why I find my Sunflower game so hard going at the moment. It's much harder to build up and maintain a win streak when the rewards are so much worse.

Why does the game favour certain players over others? It is hugely unfair and makes players feel like we are being penalised, but what for? And of course, we all compete against each other in Sam's Streak. So guess who will find it easier to run away on that leaderboard? Is there anything actually fair about this game?


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?