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💬💭 Level Feedback! Leave your feedback on the new levels!



  • Mac59
    Mac59 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    The levels are quite impossible! I’m am currently on level 15837 and as you can see from the screenshot it would need many boosters and extra moves. This is not marked as a hard level either.

    I used to enjoy this game but now it’s just disbelief and frustration. Shame

  • MitzRatu
    MitzRatu Posts: 186

    I'm on level 14920 n the levels in this episode are either hard or impossible..what a shame, I used to like this game but now it's just frustrating and monotonous..not enjoyable at all.

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 607

    (on level 16497) I'm taking a break, the levels are impossible to pass, even the "easy" ones and the nightmarishly hard and super hard ones are impossible to pass with the moves given…I've been playing this game since it started and I'm just beaten by what is happening with this game and with Candy Royale, winning four in a row but they always manage to have at least one super hard or nightmarishly level in there so there is no way you can pass and win the gold bars, Chocolate box, and whatever else there is to play in this game(collecting bees) and weekly contest..😥

  • nursiepooh
    nursiepooh Posts: 436



    @QueenB if the developers are reading level feedback why are we reading the same complaints over and over?

    The fish have not worked fish are just taking out regular candy not the blockers

    There are never enough moves

    Why are the developers ruining what used to be a fun game

  • 535700
    535700 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Não consigo passar de nível, preciso de ajuda

  • parlady99
    parlady99 Posts: 378

    Surprise there are no comments on level 15688. Another level that is impossible without boosters and extra moves. I am lucky to have extra moves and will finally be able to pass this level; but that should not be the case. In fact, pretty much every level now needs extra moves so as soon as I am out of gold bars, it will be bye, bye for Candy Crush. I am not happy about that; but I cannot afford to buy boosters and that is all Candy Crush wants you to do.

  • bennybling
    bennybling Posts: 8

    Level 2

    they lost me when they took away the speed bar, in turn devaluing the already overpriced boosters. I was spending too much on this game anyway, so finally reached the end of the rope. Paying 10 gold bars to pass a level after racking up 250 extra moves is ridiculous. I’ll still play from time to time, but don’t plan on passing many more levels. On 16,954 right now lol

  • shakulla
    shakulla Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Levels are impossible to progress 😞 no adds available... it's time to quit 😔 after 7 years

  • Helen_Lois
    Helen_Lois Posts: 11

    Level 2

    I agree, I used to be able to pass 180-200 levels in a week and win the weekly contest as well as candy royal often. Now I would be lucky to pass 25 levels in a week, so I'm loosing interest in the game. Playing it a lot less now

  • nursiepooh
    nursiepooh Posts: 436

    15570 is not super hard

    It’s impossible and impassable mathematically absolutely impossible you have to break the candy takes 4 hits then hit the waffles 5 times

    And the licorice fence three times with no board area

    This is getting old

    I used 2 UFOs and 1 party booster and still was not able to pass

    I’m gone for a while

    This is not fun anymore

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