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💬💭 Level Feedback! Leave your feedback on the new levels!



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,019

    New levels 0-50 are a bit boring and repetitive for me. Where is the liquorice? I miss the liquorice and cages. Now we have bubble gum and gumball machines, and marmelade. It's all a bit repetitive and boring. I'm not sure that simplifying the first 50 levels is going to keep people engaged enough to keep playing. I hope we'll see the normal levels soon or I'll quit this game.

    That is assuming someone reads the feedback here.

  • BID77
    BID77 Posts: 22

    Level 3

    I'm on level 15952 and the whole game has become utter shite, impossible to pass and completwly boring, I've stopped played and just wish the greedy b.sterds made the levels passable without having to spend gold. Benn playing it for over 14 years but no more its fcuking boring when level after level is impossible. Sort your shite our of stick it up your rear

  • cidacorreia
    cidacorreia Posts: 88

    Level 3

    A fase 16651 e horrível de passar,já faz 1 semana que estou tentando e não consigo passar. Lamentável você ficar preso tanto tempo affs

  • I do not like at all. New llevel hard to beat. I'm going to lose alien invasion (1 spot to finish) also UFO level.


    RAPPANZEL Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Level 46...been days and i couldnt make it ....any tricks ?

  • doris4646
    doris4646 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Can someone PLEASE review level 16564. It is impossible to pass.
    I agree with the other reviewers on here, these Legendary levels appear to be set so you can only pass them by using gold bars or many many boosters. They are set with such frequency in the map that eventually you will run out of both, even if you win every episode race, meaning you are either stuck on a level for weeks and weeks on end or you are forced into making a purchase.

    I have been playing candy crush now for nearly ten years but it’s getting to the point now that it’s just not fun anymore. Either have more opportunities to win gold bars and boosters or make these Legendary levels more realistic.

  • cidacorreia
    cidacorreia Posts: 88

    Level 3

    Concordo com você! O jogo está ficando chato pois os níveis estão cada vez mais difícil de passar. Tem nível que eu fico 3 semanas presa , eu também não estou mais querendo jogar e muito ruim essas fases de passar 😒

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 607

    This is ridiculous and this isn’t including the four other hard and super hard levels

  • JooooJo
    JooooJo Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Since around level 16500, I have spent almost all my gold bars (saved over the past 10 or more years) and I am now at 17023, another impossible level without spending gold bars. Is this the new trick that so that we eventually need to spend more money on the game?! The game is not fun anymore and it is probably the time to say goodbye.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?