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So many of the levels need boosters or extra moves to pass. It wouldn't be so bad except every episode has levels that are impossible to pass without boosters or moves. Just watch the videos and none pass without help. I know that we have come this far and expect hard levels; but ones that are passible without help. Looks like King does not care since they are making money hand over foot. King also does care when one of us quit, which I will be doing once I am out of my gold bars.
Hi everybody
reached level 17016 having paid to pass previous 4 levels just using my bars 17016 can’t be passed either, so it’s difficult to see how this can be classed as a game now … doesn’t matter how you play levels unless you have a ton of boosters or pay for moves you can’t actually pass ! Time to look for a new game
I am now on level 16971 after some of bars to pass the other impossible levels. With the ridiculously low number of moves, it is just another impossible level. King, aren't you tired of reading (if you read them at all) all these posts that tell you about impossible levels unless one is willing to pay for boosters or extra moves? Or don't you care at all as long as some are willing to pay up. We know you are in it to make money; but when is enough, enough.
level 17017 classed as a normal level, another level that cannot actually be passed without boosters or paying !