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What is happening?

I have not been able to get CC to work. I can see the map. I can access the shipping page .

I cannot access anything on EVENTS PAGE and I cannot claim my rewards that I won as I can't see ANYTHING ON EVENTS,

EVENT page states Sweet rewards coming,


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @spottedhorse, Welcome back🤗

    You cannot access anything in the Events folder because you do not see any event but all you see is a Red Curtain where it says "sweet rewards coming"? This is a glitch that has been affecting many players! It is as if we do not have any events in the game! But the events are there -- only hiding behind the curtain!!

    Can you please try this --> Replay an old level and lose it -- then close the level and go back to map screen -- now open the events folder and you should see at least the basic features, such as Booster wheel and Daily Treat Machine, Piggy Bank. Now, replay another level and lose again -- you should rest of the events (that are available for you)👍️

    ** Since this is not a permanent fix, you might have to follow these steps everyday when you open the level. But, this work-around works for me everyday! It also worked for our Community members as well as some players who have complained about this issue!!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?