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The game is boring with the new sounds, they should put the original sounds

Ubaider Posts: 12 Level 2

It no longer causes you to play with those ugly sounds that the game currently has when moving the pieces and combining the original sounds of the game and the voices like fantastic and so on.


  • Ubaider
    Ubaider Posts: 12 Level 2

    Please return the original sounds

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 14,344 Community Manager

    Hi @Ubaider,

    Hearing that you prefer the original sounds and find the new ones less engaging is important feedback. We aim to create a game that is fun, exciting, and brings joy to our players, so knowing your preferences helps us tremendously.

    We'll make sure to pass on your feedback to our development team. They're continually working on updates and improvements, and player input is a big part of that process. While we can't guarantee immediate changes, please know your voice has been heard.

    Thanks again for reaching out. If you have any more feedback, suggestions, or questions, don't hesitate to share 🍬🌟

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