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Level 4998

Diane_Skidmore Posts: 25

Level 3

This level is absolutely impossible without resorting to extra moves. How do I get past this level. It’s so boring. Have been on it for days and days 😢


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,094
    edited March 2024

    You are correct @Diane_Skidmore , sadly, yes, you are correct. I have checked this level out and it's probably the worst level I have tried out in a long time. I'm not surprised: Two levels away from the big Milestone 5000! That is why King have made this level impossible. Who is going to give up at this point?

    So normally I would suggest to players stuck on any level to keep at it, try to play the suggested first moves and look out for any signs of a lucky board, like the one in the videos posted on YouTube. If that doesn't work, if you get close on one try, then use starting boosters on your next try. That sometime just does it. The sad truth is, this strategy hasn't worked for me on level 4998. In fact the game suggests nonsense first moves to me, which don't do anything! The only advice I would have is watch the video I post here and if you get any chance to create a wrap/stripe combo take it. What the video does show is that the bubble gum explodes quite quickly, it only needs two hits in the same place on each half. If you get any striped candies try to explode them onto rows that have already been hit once. But for this you need chances to make horizontal stripes, so you are at the mercy of King. No matter what I have tried, the game does not drop me the right candies to do this: The algorithms is set ot "impossible", at least for the first 26 tries. It's decision time: King want to you pay to get to level 5000. Do you do it?

    Here is a video of how Johnny Crush did it, but that was 10 months ago, before King introduced impossible legendary algorithms.

    An alternative might be to give this level a rest for a while, hoping they might make it easier with the next update. King change level difficulty (the algorithms) every week. In the meantime try to go back to easier old levels to fill up with boosters using the candy collections and Season Pass events, but don't waste them on level 5000 unless you can see for sure on the board that they will help you pass.

    This is the closest I have come, on try no.29 using all three starting boosters: I am one lollipop away here. So theoretically I could pass here with the boosters available from yesterday's candy collection events. I was already this close with three moves to go. I played three moves to see if the right candies would drop to make the winning purple match in the top row, but it did NOT: The algorithm is set to "fail", even if you come this far.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,094
    edited March 2024

    In addition to what I wrote above, I have this event pop up today:

    Hoping you have it, too, this should be an easy way to beat level 4998! Go back to level 1000 and replay it as many times as it takes to get the gold, then use it to buy the extra moves needed to get past level 4998! Good luck, and on a more positive note, some of the levels in the 5000-6000 range are quite good and fun to play.

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