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Game 9004

janepott Posts: 6 Level 2

Seriously I have been on this level for 2.5months!!!

I don’t get any bonuses

anything I want they want me to pay. I refuse too.

please help I am over it


  • KyshA72
    KyshA72 Posts: 907 Level 3
    edited March 16

    Just keep on trying you will get past @janepott

    Have you tried entering some of the competitions in the community so you can win some gold to help pass difficult levels.....good luck

    Game id 5217847776

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,914 Legend

    Hi there and welcome to the community. I think you must have broken the record for the length of time being stuck on one level here @janepott ! I mean to say, most players would have given up and quit by now rather than replay the same level for this long. I am surprised because on my Phone this level does not have a hard rating, so can I please first of all confirm you have the same level 9004 as I have? Here is my screenshot. Have you got the same board layout, the same number of moves and have you checked any of the videos posted on YouTube?

  • janepott
    janepott Posts: 6 Level 2

    Sorry it is level 9005.

    I enter all the competitions I have not got 1 gold bar since I have been on this level

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,914 Legend

    I had that suspicion, as that is the legendary level. I'll check it out, but with legendary levels often there is no way to pass without boosters, so I am not hopeful I can help you to magically pass that one. Unfortunately there are no events at the moment to earn gold by playing older levels, but there are some events that allow you to earn boosters by playing older levels. Do you get Season Pass for example? That event will always give out one UFO each week. If you have Season Pass I would suggest you scroll back to an easy old level and replay it as many times as it takes to get to the last tier. Once you have collected all the boosters use them wisely and you should be able to get past level 9005. I will check it out and let you know if I managed to pass it.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,914 Legend

    Jane has been trying for two and a half months here @KyshA72 ! It is very kind of you to reply and I hope you get your 200 gold bars for it, but I think in this case "Just keep on trying you will get past" is the wrong advice. Clearly there is no lucky board if you play without boosters on this level, no matter how long you keep on trying. Your suggestion about the community is helpful, that of course is another way to earn gold for the game to pass these horrible levels.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,914 Legend
    edited March 16

    Does your board look like mine? If you do magically get past it without using boosters @janepott on one of your next few tries, please could you post to let us know?

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,914 Legend
    edited March 16

    Hello again @janepott I hope this will help you:

    I found it quite easy beating this level despite it being labelled as Legendary, so maybe King have made it easier since you got stuck on it. So please make sure your game is on the latest update and close and reopen the app just to be sure you are playing the latest version.

    I played level 9005 six times to pass with starting boosters. I do think you will have to play all three starting boosters to trigger a lucky board, which is the case on many legendary levels. The problem is that if you try these on every attempt you will soon have used them all up, so the best time to do this is when the game gives you timed boosters, such as on one of the early chocolate boxes or some other events. There are also events such as the daily spin or candy collections which will give you the boosters needed. When you have collected the starting boosters by playing previous, easier levels or just through the daily treat machine, DON'T waste them straight away (unless they are timed, of course). Wait for a board that looks like it is going to help you. On my 5th try I could create a colour bomb on my first move and then another later on, and I also had one drop from the top, which helped me get fairly close, but not close enough to pass. Then the game gave me an extra life to play on and try again. I take this as a hint that the game will give me perhaps a lucky board if I play starting boosters. So ON MY NEXT ATTEMPT I play all three starting boosters, and I really do get a lucky board, starting with where my wrapped and colour bomb are placed on the starting board:

    This is the perfect start for me and making that combo blows up nearly everything on the board in one big cascade, leaving me with this after just one move!:

    Obviously I make the striped/wrap combo at the bottom and win it from here, in fact I had 12 moves left at the end.

    This is how the game works now: You need to spot a lucky board and take advantage of it. Many a legendary level will automatically trigger a lucky board if you play the right starting boosters at the right time. This is clearly one of those.

    I hop this will help you.

  • janepott
    janepott Posts: 6 Level 2

    I am not getting zip. Definitely no UFO ever since I paid for one thing in 10years which was just recently it all turned to sh!t.

    very frustrating

  • Rhonda_L
    Rhonda_L Posts: 542 Level 3

    @janepott Well, since I was heading south (scrolling to old levels), I checked out 9005. In all honesty, I don't remember this level being a "Legendary". I'm thinking it was before my time being there.

    I really wanted to help, but playing it a few times with and without starting boosters, and with the additional free moves, I think this is one of those levels that you have to play over and over without using boosters to build up to 125 extra moves for 10 Gold. If you don't have the gold, it'll finally let you beat the level. Just don't waste your boosters before or in-game on this one.

    Sorry I couldn't help more!

  • danceforjoy7
    danceforjoy7 Posts: 291 Level 3
    edited March 17

    and you cannot win gold if you don’t pass levels and color green and purple candy not easy to get which seem to be their favorite color. So you cannot go back to a level that has them to collect them gah I am over CC

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