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I registered under King on wrong game

caseyp Posts: 13 Level 2

When I registered my King account, I did it on the wrong phone. I am on level 9355 I don’t understand why my awards cannot be moved over from this account since I have earned them.I have 316 gold bars plus what you see below but it is starting me out at level 100 and something instead of 9355. How do I get back to there without having to start over?


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,100 Candy Moderator

    Hello @caseyp🤗 A Warm Welcome to the King Community!

    I need a clarification as I am a bit confused with the issue!!

    Are you experiencing issue to transfer your game progress on to a new device OR a new account?

    And, do you need help with changing your name in your game?

    Please reply back by typing in the box given below🍫🍫

  • caseyp
    caseyp Posts: 13 Level 2

    When I registered my King account, I did it in my new phone. I did not realize that I could save my game under the King account until I was trying to move my to my new phone and I had the APPLE people transfer everything from my account to my new phone. When I pulled up my Candy Crush saga it did not have all of my boosters on it and my gold, so I noticed the KING registry and I registered but when I did it I did not realize I was on my NEW PHONE not my old phone which had all my info. in it l So I was not able to go into my old phone and register it under the email address my game was saved to so it will not move my existing game over. I am on level 9364 but it starts me out at level 651 and my awards of gold bars didn't move over either. I have earned/saved 329 gold bars plus what you see below. How do I get back to that without having to start over?

    I also need to be able to re-enter my email address on the new old game so that I can hopefully move everything over to my new phone. Is there a way to unregister my new game, under the KING registry so that I can re-register my email to my old game and hopefully my boosters and gold will move from my game on my OLD PHONE to my NEW PHONE.

    Or is there a way you can move my old bonus' and gold bars to my new phone?

  • caseyp
    caseyp Posts: 13 Level 2

    Well, I don’t see an answer so I guess I’m done. Thanks for nothing

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,914 Legend

    I am sorry but I think @PummyRaj must have missed your reply. Please wait a little longer for an answer.

  • caseyp
    caseyp Posts: 13 Level 2

    Not yet I’m waiting on the other person to answer me.

  • caseyp
    caseyp Posts: 13 Level 2

    I have another question. Of course., when I’m playing it asked me to join the race. But when you first get in there everybody’s already across the line except me.. It never used to happen that way everybody started on the starting line and then progressed. I think somebody else answered the question at one time saying that they just added us to a race that’s already going. No, that’s not right we’ve never had that happen before and I could, in fact, I did it all night long and never get in even close to them

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