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Why is game not working offline?



  • nomiiiiii
    nomiiiiii Posts: 1 Newbie

    Im having the same issue, also started about a month ago same as OP, and I have a Galaxy S23 (OP had a galaxy S24)

    Game works perfectly while I'm online/on data, and it's synched to my account. But as soon as I'm offline, the app loads and the map loads, but clicking on my latest level number doesn't open the game, again similar symptom as OP.

    So this is definitely some candy crush app issue, not an issue with OP since atleast three people here have mentioned it

  • Tintentersmate
    Tintentersmate Posts: 1 Newbie

    same thing here! As soon as I go offline, I open my game and everything looks normal until I tap to play and it is totally unresponsive. Going on holiday later. Will be gutted if I can’t play on the plane!

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