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? on partipants from ineligable countries

Jejsta123 Posts: 6 Level 2

I've noticed 2 individuals from non-participating countries near the top of my leader board. What happens if they place first? Will they be disqualified and the 2nd person moves up or will they be allowed to continue even though they can't compete in the final?


  • saleej07
    saleej07 Posts: 2 Newbie

    I have the same question!

    I’m currently 2nd place but the person ahead of me is from a non eligible country.. I wish I could know if they’re going to be disqualified.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,831 Level 5

    I am afraid this won't happen at this stage. You will have to beat them and take the first place in your leaderboard to get to the next round. This player obviously is currently residing in a country that does have the event, for it would not show up in their game otherwise. They will have set their phone to their home country for whatever reason and that is what shows up on their player card. It is not until the end of the final round that King will check if players are eligible to travel to the United States and then they will disqualify any player who has not got the necessary visa or passport. Meaning almost any player from Brazil as well, of course…..

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?