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Account Help *time sensitive*

Missyeru Posts: 6 Level 2

Hello, I am currently 1st in my group in the all stars tournament, and I have been nervous that I haven’t gotten an in app popup for eligibility. - I should be eligible as I live in LA, am over level 1k, and have valid passport etc

. That’s not the issue I need help with as I was told to wait that those popups are going out all week.

When I click “My Account” in the app to get my user ID. It just forever gives me a loading icon. I’ve restarted my app and my phone, and anytime I click My Account this happens, regardless of if I click “my account” on the first pop up, or from the gear in the top left. I’m worried that there was an error when I made my account, as before all stars I never had an account to save my progress, and I don’t know my user ID/ can’t look it up.

Any help is welcomed. I did email customer support earlier today, and they didn’t answer. I am hoping someone here or an admin/community team member can help, as I’m worried this issue will disqualify me somehow. Her


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,939 Legend

    Hello @Missyeru I am not sure you are first in your group as your screenshot shows you being number 1 in the first Final Knockout. The second Final Knockout has now started.

    Don't worry about your ID at the moment as long as everything else works you should be fine.

    DO NOT uninstall your app to try and fix it.

    Also don't worry about the Form you have from now until the 28th to receive it.

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