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  • KarenRP72
    KarenRP72 Posts: 18

    Level 2

    Please remember it's a game first and foremost. Yes, money is involved, but in the end it's a GAME 🍀

  • Wookthewookster
    Wookthewookster Posts: 16

    Level 2

    Just wondering why you are backing the makers of the game so hard. There are hundreds of posts all over a brief search of the web stating obvious bot activity and to almost anyone of intelligence it looks like and inside job as they can't tell...a simple spread sheet and and individuals time played and points gained would stand out from the norm and easily identified. They are either not policing it or more than likely in collusion. You and your numerous posts trying to back King are just subterfuge.

  • lisalisa73
    lisalisa73 Posts: 39

    Level 3

    well said! No excuse for player cards to “not be up dated” as it should be in a tournament like this this. The first place player in my tournament has been playing for 48hrs straight lol NO BREAK

    So it’s either a Bot or they have someone in a different time zone playing for them … crazy. My only salvage is that I was able to get this far with more skill than money or cheating. I know I played fairly and represented the Candy Crush newbies in an honorable way.

    What also stinks though, that needs to be addressed in the future is the fact that people who can’t afford to spend thousands of dollars on boosters will never have the chance at the live final. I spent more than I should have, but all along I kept seeing posts about people who had to stop once they spent $400 or less:( King has to make money as a business but this game seems to favor the wealthy or people who have access to funds to support the purchase of boosters. I miss the age gaming based on pure skill like the age of Atari when you just played til the best player won. :(

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,634

    @lisalisa73 what goes around comes around. Here is someone accusing you of being a cheater. Not nice I guess

  • lisalisa73
    lisalisa73 Posts: 39

    Level 3

    lol that was a student of mine who posted a complaint bc my kids knew how hard I was juggling 3 jobs and candy crush and when I explained that I was proud of making it this far but had to quit playing bc I could not continue to pay for boosters, the kids thought it was unfair

    They were just advocating for me

    You need to READ as he did not reference anything pertaining to me cheating lol

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,634

    Oh yeah sorry @lisalisa73

  • lisalisa73
    lisalisa73 Posts: 39

    Level 3

    “What goes around comes around”
    Idk who you are but every post I have made has been professional, honest and never nasty As a matter of fact, I have had open dialogue with the contestants whose numbers were questionable that have been nothing but respectful.
    Until there is open communication, we can only react to the scores we see and then have every right to question or suspect cheating when there are such blatant issues. The fact that I can have open dialogue, get answers and have worked things out amicably with other players is to be commended and not used as an opportunity for you to reprimand me as if you have that ability over me. After all, most of us are in this for the right reasons and playing fairly but there are players who are not and King asks us to bring any issues to their attention.

  • lisalisa73
    lisalisa73 Posts: 39

    Level 3

    Thank you for the apology 🙏🙏

  • Zagonlord12345
    Zagonlord12345 Posts: 59

    Level 3

    edited April 2024

    the problem is the king is not doing anything about it even when there is proof trust me I was one of the people that reported

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