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Beat the Buffet (UK)

Lesleybob Posts: 2 Newbie

This is meant to give me 60 mins of unlimited lives to climb a leaderboard but I'm only getting 30 mins. Can anyone help please?


  • Pyroyeti
    Pyroyeti Posts: 902 Level 3
    edited May 8

    Pretty much everyone is seeing that. King made a change, no one is exactly sure what the intent was. Shorter event or an oops.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,068 Legend

    Hello @Lesleybob I see this as just another indication of how careless King is when it comes to programming any changes they make to some of their existing features.

    So we have the Golden Challenge Candy Royale that promises you a share of 1500 gold bars but this changes to a share of 500 if you are still playing the same Challenge come Monday morning.

    We also have the change to the Episode Race issue that saw the prize go from 40 gold bars to 35 gold bars but the front end of the feature still reads that you should win 40 gold bars.

    As I have said elsewhere I expect that the Buffet has changed to a 30 challenge but sloppy programming by the feature designers has led to half a job being done.

    @QueenB @FluffyDinosaur can you ask the team responsible for the Buffet feature if the 30 minutes of unlimited lives is part of a test, or is it the default time for the feature now. Either way can you point out to the time that if pop-up promises 60 minutes it should deliver 60 minutes.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?