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Helping our friends

Charleyfarley Posts: 67 Level 2
edited May 15 in Discussions

I have noted many players on here giving up and leaving, particularly when they get to the 15k levels through sheer frustration and now I understand why.

I now get no opportunities to gain boosters and am stuck on a level that clearly cannot be achieved without them.

And to add insult to injury, I’m now invited to help others complete their current difficult level. I actually think this is a great idea except these players that need help are at the same progress level or above as myself

I did try ‘helping’ others but their level increased while I was trying to help so I was chasing shadows.
Another well thought-out innovation from King ☹️

Wouldn’t it have made more sense for the experienced players to help those at a lower level ?

As it stands, I will carry on playing but given the restraints, my game time will be limited.

Perhaps not such a bad thing, I actually read a book last week for lawd knows in how long 🙂

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?