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All Star 2023

ViolettaP Posts: 110 Level 2

This is just a reminder how things happened last year before and during the all star (all bots actually) finals.

  1. The 10 finalists were announced with their real names not their nicknames in the game. Also pictures of each finalist and from which country they are from.
  2. A few finalists disclosed their nicknames, very few. We had screenshots of the leadership boards but couldn't connect all finalist with nicknames. Which meant we didn't know who is who and if the finalists were real players.
  3. Finalists did not chat in the community (like this year).
  4. The finals were set levels, the same for all finalists, levels specially created for the finals.
  5. Boosters were the same for all (quanity and quality ๐Ÿ˜†) and no buying boosters and gold with real money allowed.
  6. The live finals didn't mean livestreaming finals. It meant you could go the London and watch the finals live ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†.
  7. Days after the final 1-2 videos and pictures were released by King. Pictures of the finalists playing, group picture and a video with no actual gaming. I mean maybe just a few game moves of some players.
  8. The finals had a festive feeling, bright colours, loud music, how cool and fair King is bla bla bla bla.
  9. Finalists had only the best to say about King.
  10. Last years winner came out of the blue and disappeared after that. Actually all finalist disappeared after the finals.

Don't know how it's going to be this year but personally l not expecting something better than last year.

Hope this post gets thru because my posts go for approval.


  • Suki_su
    Suki_su Posts: 72 Level 2

    @ViolettaP King was flat broke a couple of years back, they even stopped paying the winners on the website page for a few months, and just keept it on the down loadโ€ฆ

    .โ€ฆand... all of a sudden, just like a miracle, they have two back to back high value money competitions...hmmmm

    ...i smell something rotten in the air....

    And btw, dont believe the number of players "following" King on social media...all paid followers ( fakebook, I.G, and so on)...

    Real players dont use those platforms, and they are digging the scam on other platforms (discord, twitch, telegram, snapchat, etc).

    Just follow the white rabbit ๐Ÿ‡

    P.S. posted this same answer on another thread, hoping that ppl start opening their eyes, and simply, dont spend a dime on this game.

    Also, who in their right mind would ever spend more than 10 or 20 dollars/euros a year on a game like this?! It would be an insult to inteligence to fall for this cra.p.

  • ViolettaP
    ViolettaP Posts: 110 Level 2

    People forget easily. Last year the competition was a scam, this year the same. I bet next year it's going to be scam again. People/real players will fall into the trap again and find themselves competing against bots. Paying real money from their savings for a lost cause. The prize reward is attractive and everyone thinks they are the super players (sorry for the wakeup call) and will/can win the competition. I doubt King will give the reward because l believe the finalist or at least the winner is an employee of King.

    The game, competition and this community/forum is a scam.

  • Suki_su
    Suki_su Posts: 72 Level 2

    I know what u mean. I have several jobs, and one of them, is to beta test for new games (for at least 10 years now) and i can 100% tell u that this game is rigged in every corner.
    They do know they have bots, mlt account players, using backdoor emulators and programs, hacking their software, using vpns, all of it and more...and i believe their own AI, is only implemented to "stuck" the alghoritm in certain decisive levels and to follow patterns of deposits...nothing more.
    Another major red flag in all this, when u win a tourney this big, or even any kind of cash/price/award competition, all LEGAL and LEGIT companies, announce their winners in the space of a few days, and announce them all over the internet in the gaming and social media platforms, to bring more advertizing and more players to the game...when there's and nda signed (and that's normal to a certain degree) but u keep the winners secret until the "live" final being recorded, edited, cleaned, etc....thats not normal at all.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?