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Rules changed during the play

rob69 Posts: 16 Level 2

Hi, i'm Gabor ( Rob69 ),

I'm asking you, the other players about the constant changes that the developers are doing in the last 1,5 years now.

Too many features not working properly, or they didn't work as they were working before; is it because I play on the Android 9 level phone?

Main point is: that they managed to FU! ( destroy ) this wonderful game in way too many ways and that hurts us, the players.

Not to mention about the fact that WE, the players are the ones who are paying for the play and the guys responsible for this mockery!

I'm sure they will choke with our money on their throats!

Thank you, please reply to me and I wish you a nice day,



Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?