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SphiweGodfrey Posts: 1

Level 1

I am Sphiwe asking for friends in candy


  • Palash_Sarma
    Palash_Sarma Posts: 18,196

    Hi Welcome to the Community

    The new friends list and how to add friends to your game has now been rolled out for all players in Candy Crush Saga!

    You can now choose which friends you want in your game by sending them an invite link.

    How does it work exactly?

    First tap your profile above on the Saga map and choose the tab 'Friends':

    Tap the 'Add more friends' in the bottom and then 'Invite Friends':

    Choose the platform where you want to send the invite. You can choose between email, Messenger, Whatsapp, Skype to mention only a few of all chat and social platforms on mobile devices that you can use. Finally, choose the friend and send the link that automatically will appear on the message.

    If you are playing on Facebook you will instead get this pop up with a link. Copy the link from the field and send it to your friends.

    Your friends can then accept your invite by simply clicking on the link that you sent!

    The invite is link is active for 7 days only.

    If your friends do not answer within the 7 day period, you can of course get a new link in the game and send it to them!

    Have a great day 😊

  • Cebe
    Cebe Posts: 7

    Level 2

    this method does NOT work. My friend is currently playing crush. I sent the link for a friend request. When she clicked the link, it just took her to the App Store, to download the app. Nothing else.

  • BipbipMoi
    BipbipMoi Posts: 127

    Bonjour c'est FAUX

    Tous les joueurs n'ont pas cette fonction

    Depuis plusieurs mois je demande et je n'ai toujours pas la nouvelle fonctionnalité carte d'identité de joueurs.

    J' ai la fonction du début et je ne peux pas envoyer de vie.

    J' ai envoyé des mails et rien ne se passe

    Je connais des joueurs qui payent pour avoir des bonus et ils ont la possibilité d' avoir la liste

    Donc NON pas tous les joueurs.

  • BipbipMoi
    BipbipMoi Posts: 127

    @Palash_Sarma merci de donner une réponse svp 🙏

  • Palash_Sarma
    Palash_Sarma Posts: 18,196

    Hi Welcome to the Community

    Can you please share screenshots when enter game link.. click friends list then add friend and invite

    Here is my game link

    Did you check latest version game and device software update?

    Thank you

  • Cebe
    Cebe Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I have the latest version of software. The game invite link above for you worked in here. So I have to get my friends to come in here to be friends in CC?

  • Cebe
    Cebe Posts: 7

    Level 2

    edited January 30

    Maybe my friend invite link will work here?

  • Cebe
    Cebe Posts: 7

    Level 2

  • Cebe
    Cebe Posts: 7

    Level 2

    How do I get my invite link to show up like yours… Clickable?

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