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No free boosters/lives with ads after purchase

Mrs_Jane Posts: 2 Newbie

I’ve played Candy Crush Saga for years and never purchased anything until just recently when I hit a hard level. It’s the worst mistake I’ve ever made, because now I have no option but to continue purchasing. There are no more free boosters or lives with ads. This seems to be a scam to get me to purchase more. I’m about to give up on the game and delete the app. Come on King! You’re taking the fun right out of the game!


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,926 Legend

    Hello @Mrs_Jane it never fails to amaze me how people make a purchase and then post here to say that they have lost their advert features.

    Did you know about this forum before you made a purchase or did you search for help after making your purchase?

    The sad fact is posters here have been warning players for years that if they make any purchase they will immediately lose all of their advert features.

    Some have said that after a year or so their adverts have reappeared if you don't make another purchase, but others have said the adverts never come back.

    Personally due to all of the crashing issues associated with adverts I don't find them that helpful. And I have played the game for seven months without adverts and did not find the game any more difficult or easy as a result.

    I wouldn't call it a scam as that implies some kind of fraudulent activity, but it is definitely an action designed to make people more inclined to keep paying for stuff.

  • Mrs_Jane
    Mrs_Jane Posts: 2 Newbie

    Obviously I searched for help AFTER I made a purchase or I wouldn’t have ever made a purchase. It’s helpful to know they won’t reappear for a year or indefinitely. That helps me make the decision to leave Candy Crush a whole lot easier. Thanks.

  • TerriM
    TerriM Posts: 57 Level 2

    MIne didn't take that long to come back. King makes money out of us watching adds so don't know why King takes them away after a purchase. Makes no sense.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,926 Legend

    That is good to hear @TerriM. How long after you made a purchase did your adverts reappear?

  • TerriM
    TerriM Posts: 57 Level 2

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?