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No Booster Ads for 2 Months - ready to quit!

LaurieYN Posts: 7

Level 2

Spent 99 cents 2 months ago and ads have been gone since. No chances to earn extra moves or boosters. I have passed maybe 6 levels in 2 months and am frustrated beyond belief. Knowing that this happens when you make a purchase, I will NEVER make a purchase again! King's loss... also the tiered Candy Royale should not be mandatory. PLEASE allow us to opt out. I am on 15K levels, without ads or gold bars. I can't pass a single level, yet alone 8+. VERY frustrating, 😫


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617

    Sorry to hear about your issues @LaurieYN but it is a well known fact here that once you buy anything for your game King immediately removes all of your advert features. As you indicate this doesn't make a lot of sense as someone loke you that has just spent 99 cents is more likely to quit the game when they lose their adverts than they are to continue spending.

    I once lost my adverts for seven months and to be honest I didn't really miss them. I am only at level 6000+ though so that might be why I didn't miss them. At level 15K I can't imagine that the one or two boosters you can get from adverts makes much difference to you though. I also imagine that having 5 or 6 extra moves from adverts can't really make that much difference to anyone playing the 15K levels

    Candy Royale is a real cause of frustration with a lot of players Laurie, unfortunately we are all stuck with it until King hopefully realises that making it mandatory is just making things worse for those that do not want it.

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