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Few bonus rewards after about level 9600

gandt154 Posts: 1 Newbie
edited June 21 in Discussions

Is it my imagination or does it all get Much Harder as you get towards level 10000, no bonus rewards with really tough ( well tough as in mostly requires tons of good luck) levels. is this all about making you pay...I have spent about 80p over my over 9600 levels and will drop the game rather than pay much more. I ask because maybe it's just my imagination or maybe it's seriously manipulative player management


  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 14,322 Community Manager

    Hi gandt154,

    Thanks for reaching out and sharing your thoughts.

    As you progress to higher levels in Candy Crush Saga, some can indeed feel more challenging. This is designed to keep the game engaging and rewarding. However, the difficulty should always be balanced, and it's definitely not intended to make players feel they have to pay to progress.

    We appreciate your feedback regarding the bonus rewards. We are constantly working to improve the player experience, and your input helps us understand how we can make the game better.

    If you find certain levels particularly tough, feel free to ask the community for tips and strategies. We're here to help!

    Thanks for being a dedicated player 🙂

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