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How could I earn gold bar .. badly needed

sreha Posts: 1 Newbie

I have ran out of gold bars I want gold bars so that I can pass the hard level


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 150,875 Candy Moderator

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Earning Gold Bars can be done in a few ways:

    1. Episode Race: If you're among the first to complete an episode, you can win gold bars. Keep an eye on your competition!
    2. Events and Challenges: The game frequently hosts special events and challenges where you can win gold bars as rewards. Make sure to participate in these whenever they're available.
    3. Daily Treat Machine: This is a daily bonus where you can win various rewards. Don't forget to spin it every day!
    4. Community Contest: We often run contest here in the community which you can participate on. Check out our contest area HERE.
    5. Purchase: Of course, you can always purchase gold bars directly from the in-game store if you want to boost your stash quickly.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,962 Legend

    Hello @sreha and welcome to the community. My advice on how to gain gold bars would depend on which level you play at. It is possible to win every episode race and gain the gold from that if you can play the entire episode in 24 hours. There is also gold available from the chocolate box event, but we don't all get the same version. Which level are you at?

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