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Receiving unwanted friend requests from blocked person. How do I block these here?

abaker Posts: 1 Newbie

How do I block friend requests here. Person is already blocked on all social media,always says friend request sent from elsewhere?


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,510 Candy Moderator

    Hello @abaker 🤗 A Warm Welcome to the King Community!

    We can now send friend requests directly from the game through “Player Cards”! I think that player is using that source to send you friend request!

    I would suggest you not to respond to their request but, leave it in “Friend Requests” tab!
    I too have a player in my game that has been sending requests! She/he is not moving forward in the game and doesn’t help other players by sending lives too (2 things I see in a player). After declining their requests few times, I have left the latest request without responding! Now, I don’t see the pop-up anymore😅

    Hope this trick will help you also 🍫🍫

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 151,302 Candy Moderator

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    If you already have removed a friend from your friends list on Facebook, the friend should then automatically disappear from your game within a couple of weeks.

    If this doesn't happen of some reason, please do the following to refresh your friends list:

    On Facebook and, please clear the cache and cookies on your browser.

    Windows app, please reset the app under the PC settings. When opening the game log in back to Facebook.

    On mobile, disconnect the game from Facebook and open back to Facebook.

    Also You can remove your specific friend from your game and the steps are detailed below.

    Click on your game avatar and go to Friends option.

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