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Losing lives and boosters

King_admin Posts: 3,492 Level 3
This discussion was created from comments split from: Watching Ads to get more moves.


  • Ludjmilla2007
    Ludjmilla2007 Posts: 8 Level 2

    I have been loosing lately my number of lives. Also, my boosters I don't know it's technical errors. Please can someone check what happened.

    Thank you!

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 15,456 Legend

    Please can someone check what happened.

    Hello @Ludjmilla2007 I am sorry but this forum does not work like that. Everyone here is just a member of the public just like you are. All that we can offer here is advice, or opinions no one here can check what has happened in your game.

    Please use the Contact Us link at the botom of this page and King will have a look at you game for you.

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