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Some Candy Cup statistics, who got to the final round?



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 10,893

    They were all spread out quite evenly @Alienscar . There was no difference I could see.

    I have a confession to make and as far as I am concerned this is not cheating because it's not my fault this game is full of glitches:

    I hadn't decided which of the two games I would log into with the "Me" avatar who won the 50 party poppers this morning. I chose my game at level 16,800 as I am trying to get back to the end of the map or at least to level 17,000. Guess what happened? I chose the log in with email option is settings and that was fine and got me into my saved game. But then the first thing that came up was the Candy Cup leaderboard again, this time with the poppy icon on top and the claim button!

    Not only that, but when I opened my poppy/parrot game on my usual device, the new iPhone I got a shot of the true leaderboard for that login, where I had made it into the final but got to 40th spot.

    I am nowhere near the top of this leaderboard but see the "get reward" at the bottom? Who wouldn't try to see what happens if I press it….. Guess what? I got another chest with 50 party poppers. So I ended up with 150 in my account instead of the 50 I had earned……Don't be cross….I'm just having a laugh! Happy Crushing and see you at the top of the map soon @Carol-38 !

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201

    🤣😂Look forward to seeing you up there. Once you are I hope to see you on the map then I'll click on you and have 3 of you in my friends list 👍

  • quekkc
    quekkc Posts: 281

    The stats in my group looks more or less the same. Other than me, there is only one player above 16,000 level but way down the leaderboard. In the top 10 position, all players won over hundreds of level in the past 7 days except me with only 90 levels. I got the 9th place.

    When I looked at the stats on my friends list, those with over level 16,000 were hardly playing in the past 7 days. That indicates they were most likely not participating in this Candy Cup.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 10,893

    Thanks for sharing this info from your game, that is interesting to know @quekkc

    Now the question I mull over is if these are players who are winning hundreds of levels and get to the top in the Candy Cup in levels under 2000 are on their first game or if they are all experienced players like myself who decided to start again to have some fun.

    It is certainly true that players drop out in droves in the 14,000+ range, I wish I knew how many start over in a new game. It's not to King's liking and perhaps this is why they don't officially allow it, because it gives us "an unfair advantage" (the answer I got from QueenB). Yes it does give us an advantage, because we have experience and understand the game better than newbies, but is that unfair? Watch the Olympic Games in a few weeks time: Do those top athletes who win the races have an "unfair advantage" over the millions of amateurs who didn't qualify to take part or are they winning because they worked the hardest and practiced the most to get there? I think the "unfair advantage" argument should be reexamined. Playing levels above 15,000 in a leaderboard competition is like running a 10 km race in the Olympics with a stone strapped across our ankles. That is what King consider fair then?

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,593

    They were all spread out quite evenly

    What about the players from 11,000 and upwards @christinewupp were the two players from 11,000-16,000 split one each across both of your accounts? Which account did the one player from 16,000-17,000 end up in?

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 10,893
    edited July 2024

    The account at level 711 which I won:

    Players above 11,000 were:

    18th position player at 14,091

    23rd position player at level 12,905

    30th position player at level 13,733

    32nd position player at level 11,567

    43rd position player at level 13,861

    (25 player were under level 2000 in this board.)

    The account in my game at level 16,000+, which I gave up competing:

    5th position player at level 16,451

    10th position player at level 11,543

    22nd position player at level 15,566

    37th position player at level 14,955

    (44th position myself at level 16, 804)

    47th position player at level 12,518

    57th position player at level 15,985

    66th position player at level 11,118

    (23 players were under level 2000 in this board)

    I didn't expect this much interest in my post and I have gone over the notes again to make sure everything is correct, so please note @MannyFae that I have had to slightly edit my original data as I noticed some minor miscounting. I seem to have missed one player out as well.

    So maybe you are onto something here by asking that question @Alienscar? It does seem somewhat leaning towards having players at the top compete with one another. I did certainly note that the leaderboard in my 16,000+ game kept having players added to it long after the game stopped adding players to my leaderboard at the level 700 game. There were 56 total players on that lower leaderboard at the end, and 69 total in the higher game. It's not exactly evenly distributed.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 878

    There were 56 total players on that lower leaderboard at the end, and 69 total in the higher game.

    That's odd. Could it be because the players were assigned to the leaderboard groups in advance and some of them didn't show up for the final (like me)?

    I was anticipating that they would use a classic round-robin algorithm to evenly distribute players, i.e. the first 10,000 players that start playing the final go to the leaderboards 1-10,000. Then the 10,001st player that shows up will be placed on the first leaderboard, the 10,002nd will be placed on the second leaderboard, and so forth. Why don't they use it? This leads me to think the distribution might not be actually random.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 10,893
    edited July 2024

    It's a shame you didn't join at all, or we could have added info from your leaderboard to the statistics. Maybe next time? The thought of pre-allocation had not occurred to me. I did play and started both games at exactly the same time, to check how quickly the leaderboards would fill up and if they would fill up evenly as I had assumed they would. Here are screenshots I took near the beginning, at how the leaderbaords looked the same time.

    And a while later:

    There were definitely 7 players on one leaderboard at the same time as there were 3 on the other @MannyFae ! So I think your assumption may be correct. I have been wondering about the explanation for this, as it did not make sense to me at the time.

    So definitely not a round robin but the question that this now poses is if the pre allocation system is random? It could be.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?