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Here I am, back after my exclusive three-year tour of Europe, Scandinavia and the Subcontinent

Pyrolight111 Posts: 3

Level 1

edited July 2024 in Discussions

Bonus points for anyone that gets that slightly modified reference in my title.

So this adventure and the rules

  1. No hints
  2. No extra turns
  3. No buying gold
  4. Attempt one six hour session a day if possible
  5. No friends
  6. Staring intra-season ie July 15
  7. Yeti Avatar
  8. Apparently today is hard core mode… Good lord

So for day 1

  1. You can no longer change your avatar in the win app version
  2. Got the double hatchling info 17 and 18
  3. Intro quest but had some broken text for the win screen
  4. Daily quests are working again
  5. Daily Treat Machine seems to be the same for everyone now
  6. Look what I got at 96
  7. UFO/Party Popper still do not show up at ~80.
  8. They fixed 163. It is not near impossible anymore.


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,079
    edited July 2024

    Hi @Pyrolight and nice to see you back! (Who is PyrolightOld that shows up in my tagging list now….?) How was Europe for you?

    Have you managed to get one of those new games that have the wrong colours and glitch the moment you hit level 25? There is a version out there where all colour order levels from 12 onwards show "not enough targets available" before you make any move, because they changed the colour of the candies but not the order colour. I wonder how many players are affected by that glitch. I can only assume they will all just quit and throw the app out because they can't play the game, that can't be good for King.

    On another note, that new game I started for the Candy Cup about two weeks ago. I also got the 5min timed UFO in the daily treat machine. I did get the UFO and the party popper at the expected time. The magic shuffler demo showed up somewhere as bit later, but no button and I got the double speed button at level 500 when Candy Royale showed up.

  • Pyrolight111
    Pyrolight111 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited July 2024

    Who is this PyrolightOld you speak of? :P We can actually change our forum name now. I thought of calling this guy Pyroyeti but visually it is super awkward. Dunno why but when I look at it, it is super hard to read. PyroYeti is even worse.

    I avoided that particular issue. I think it was just mobile that got that one. I saw the issue, I laughed and thought… someone was trying to reuse levels and updated the wrong ones. It is unbelievably funny to me honestly. Copypasta (copy + paste) issue with two windows open.

    Ya the win app has not had the UFO/Popper since sometime last year. It is still in the code just never triggered.

    I wonder if you got a half updated game, so you got the "shuffler" but it was not fully coded in and at 500 the speed up was still there. I do not expect to see the speed up button at 500.

    On an interesting note. I have not yet bought any boosters outside of some hammers yesterday, game was being… special, anyway 200 → 239 using only boosters from the egg and I have yet to lose a level. I am starting to wonder if:

    1. Buying boosters makes the game try to make you buy more
    2. The difficulty setting is low atm
    3. There is something funny going on with boosters at these levels and they actually have a slightly negative effect. I know last game even with double boosters it was much harder at this level range. Something odd is going on for sure.


    I got an egg tonight, the normal 1 bomb, 1 striped/wrapped, 1 fish 5 min and 1 wheel 5 min. This was the next one. I wonder if they nerfed it OR they are staggering it like Win Streak now.

    Ooooo 240 with only Win Streak… and a win with 0 turns left… Ya either they turned down the difficulty, the Win Steak is way more powerful or buying boosters somehow negatively affected stuff at these levels.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,079
    edited July 2024

    I would lean towards option 2: I think the levels have been made easier for the time being. My Candy Cup game also I got through the episodes in the 200s surprisingly easy to pass with using starting boosters plus win streak boosters. Also I always read all the posts in the community and from that I can tell which level ranges have been made harder, just by the number of queries coming in about certain levels! At them moment no one is asking help for levels 200-500, which makes me think the game has become easier.

    I would discount the theory that playing starting boosters might ever be disadvantageous (except that you waste them). Surely the coding will always take that into account as the game revolves around players to use boosters now. If you ever were to find they backfire then surely that must be a glitch.

    Win streak boosters being more powerful makes sense. That's one way to encourage players to spend gold/money to keep their win streak is to show them how useful those win streak boosters are first of all, then suddenly put in a level that they are guaranteed to fail on a first attempt. There was one such level in my recent game (I can't remember which one, unfortunately) and I ended up paying twice for some reason (10 + 16 gold), which is something I NEVER do normally and always tell others to never do. I was so angry the game had tricked me. I fell for the "sunk cost" effect on that one. Should have replayed it, but I was out of lives I think. I hadn't made enough friends so I didn't have lots of lives and I was worried I'd end up with no lives left in the middle of the competition.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?